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Digital Waste

Eco-Digital Literacy and Citizenship for Our Planet and Future

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Transnational Partner MeetingParis, France

5/July/2023 to


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The 3rd TPM took place in Paris, France. This TPM opened the floor for finalizing loose ends and sharing ideas on the mobile app and documentaries.


It was a great opportunity for all the stakeholders to come together and share their thoughts on our mobile app’s current version and new ideas for the upcoming documentaries related to digital waste management. We were really focused on spreading the word about responsible disposal of digital waste and encouraging eco-friendly practices.


During the meeting, we went through the mobile app in detail, highlighting its cool features and user interface. We also had in-depth discussions about the documentaries our partners will be filming. We covered everything from the technical stuff to the subject and different parts we want to include. It was all about managing the filming process effectively.

We also took the time to review the project’s budget and overall plan. We set up dates and arrangements for future meetings so that we can keep it up.

One thing that stood out during the TPM was how important it is for countries to work together in tackling digital waste challenges. Coordinators and authorities shared their insights and stressed the power of teamwork in finding solutions. The meeting was an excellent opportunity for us to network and build strong relationships, which will be super helpful for future efforts in dealing with digital waste.

With events like the TPM, we’re doing our best to create awareness about responsible digital waste management. We want everyone to be on board with sustainable practices.

All in all, the TPM was a big success. We brought together a diverse group of stakeholders and made real progress in our mission to manage digital waste better. With the support of various organizations, our KA220 Erasmus+ project is on its way to promoting digital waste literacy and encouraging sustainable practices in handling the subject.